
What heating technology is used for the best dry herb vaporizer?

The first thing I would like to say is that the author of this article is not someone else, but the creator of the WEECKE dry herb vaporizer, which is popular among users.

A lot of people don’t know the difference between the different heating methods of vaporizers, and it is no wonder as they appear to be very similar at first glance.

Today, we’re going to talk about how dry herb vaporizer is heated. The taste of a dry herb vaporizer is mainly determined by the way it is heated. The normal heating methods available in the market are conduction, convection, and hybrid.


Conduction heating is to wrap the heating device on the outer wall of the chamber or print the energized metal paste on the ceramic or metal chamber, heat the chamber to the set temperature through the heating material, then heat the material inside the chamber through conduction to produce smoke. The other is the heating paste is printed on the ceramic chamber, the elite from GPEN, the IQ from Davinci, the C Vapor from WEECKE is treated this way, this heating method can produce the larger smoke, but will have a bit of a conduction taste, and if you’re not the kind of person who has a particular love of fresh and pure smoke, it is also a good choice. Since heat is gradually transferred through the chamber, the temperature of the material in different locations inside the chamber is different, especially at the bottom, where cold air enters through the bottom of the chamber while the vapers are vaping. causing the bottom material to be a bit cooler. So the fullness of evaporation will be somewhat lacking.


The convection vaporizer is heated differently, it works by passing cold air through a heated zone before it enters the chamber, where the cold air is heated to a set temperature, enters the chamber and contacts the material inside the chamber, atomizing the material. This method allows the temperature to be the same at all points inside the chamber without coming into direct contact with the heating element, thus providing greater smoke and a purer taste. Crafty, Firefly, and Fenix all use this method of heating, so they all get a lot of praise in terms of taste. But software control of the preheat temperature is critical, otherwise, it’s equally likely to create the taste of combustion.


Another type of heating is the hybrid heating method, which heats the cold air in the preheated area and at the same time directs part of the heat to the chamber, so that the chamber also reaches a certain set temperature, thus creating a three-dimensional heating effect, this heating method combines the amount of smoke and taste, the vapers experience is also very good. SOLO, Fenix mini, and Fenix pro are the brands that make the most of this type of heating.

In the coming time, I will also introduce the process of making a DAVINCI IQ ceramic chamber and all that you are interested in the process of making a dry herb vaporizer.  If you have any user questions, please send an email or leave your comments to us.   We’re glad to help you with it.
More info: www.fenixvaporizer.com

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I am the author of this article and also the marketing director of FENIX. I have 10 years of experience in the vape industry. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time.


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What heating technology is used for the best dry herb vaporizer?

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