Recently as I looked through the forum. The topic about the experience with vaping weed came into my eyes.
Named “W” is a heavy user of weed. When he used joints he would go through about 4-5 grams of weed a day and usually more on the weekends. He ordered a Fenix mini. There is an interesting phenomenon. When first time to vape it, he didn’t get that high off of even two bowls. About the two weeks later, he got so high and he wasn’t even through a whole heat cycle. He left the advice for people who start vaping weed after combusting all their lives would be to take a short break beforehand and then give it a shot.
Many weed lovers have a heated discussion based on that. Named “H” think it’s relative to temperature. He guesses “W” didn’t try going through a temp cycle with it. For his favorite way to use the Fenix mini is to load a bowl at 370, vape until it turns off, turn up 10°, rinse and repeat. Then he feels vapor through to the end and a really nice, smooth progression to a heavy high. Named “S” made a comment that switching from smoking to vaping is a little like switching from concentrates to flower. At first, it feels like it’s not doing shit then you adjust to it and everything is fine.
In summary, many people may give a different view of the vaping experience. You can have your own thoughts and you can also learn from each other. High-quality vaporizers usually come with more good feedback. And how about you? Are you the beginner of a weed vaporizer user or experienced player? Welcome to tell us your vaping experience of Fenix mini, Fenix pro, or other dry her vaporizers.